How watch a movie in The Curzon Cinema Soho (in Second Life)

Can't See The Movie?
(Instructions for all viewers)

1.  Do you have Quicktime Installed?
SecondLife uses Quicktime from Apple to show movie images.   If you don't have it installed, go to   and download your copy, free.

2.  Enable Media
In your viewer, Press CTRL+P and go to the Audio & Video (Sound and Media in Viewer 2.0)  Tab.   Tick, "Enable Media" (in Viewer 2.0 this button is next to the Media volume slider)

3.  Press play
There is a little Icon of a camera on your secondlife tool bar .  Press the play button next to it.  (Viewer 2.0,  there is only one play button - it's at the top right of your screen.  Clicking it will start or pause all media playing.  hover your mouse over it for more options).

Sometimes it take a minute for the movie to start.  If you have waited 60 seconds and nothing has happened, there may be further complications. Contact Torric Rodas or Billy Arentire and we will do our best to help.

Find Your Rentals anywhere in Second Life

Many of us rent multiple spaces all over the grid and knowing when payments are due can be a nightmare.

Here in Mainland London, we have a  free to use service, "My Rentals Finder" to make life just a little easier.

Simply click the board and you will receive a private IM that lists all your rentals, everywhere on the grid, informing you of the time remaining, the landlords name and a Slurl so you can TP directly to the rent box.

This system is located by the entrance to the tube station in Soho.   Click here to visit and try it for yourself.

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