The London City Estate

LONDON CITY / MAINLAND LONDON is NOT affiliated nor related to ANY other London in Second Life, we believe our robust product and services should stand alone.

We are innovative people and our creations are original. We're often copied by similar themed destinations, but the chances are if you see it somewhere else, we had it here first.

Our Buildings

Mainland London is modelled on Real London with custom built models reflecting real buildings from Regents Park, Soho, West End and parts of London City.

Service to Clients

The difference between Mainland London and other providers is our ongoing commitment to our customers.

The service we offer to our clients is unparalleled by others, with prompt, informative and useful support. Help is always on hand via the support group and we will personally assist you to display your merchandise to its best potential if that would be useful to you. We will retexture the inside of your store to your taste and your logo will feature in our networked advertisements boards throughout Mainland London and our land holdings.

We work with all clients, to advise, help and assist you to get the most out of your presence in Mainland London. This is an opt-in and opt-out offer available to everyone at any time.

Our rental rates are competitive, the traffic and interest in our regions is high and the service you can expect is second to none.

Promotions and Advertising

Due to our prolific advertising nature, we believe we will add value to our clients businesses in the form of brand awareness via the promotion of the Mainland London districts inside of Second Life and via external resources readily available to us. Additionally we are happy to promote your business on our blogs, facebook and via our groups, which are currently growing at the rate of around 50 people each day. We do not charge for additional promotions as your success is at the heart of our community and not an additional extra that you should have to pay for. We limit promotions to one per client per month, to avoid saturation.


Empty sims generally mean a lack of interest and poor management on many levels.
Mainland London is constantly fully rented and sometimes new clients will need to wait for a property to become available. Whilst this is an inconvenience, it is also testimony to the popularity of our regions and our administration style. If nothing is available when you come to look, please contact us and we will personally assist you and keep you informed of any suitable premises as they become available, prior to advertising them.

Our Land

We own our land. London City is based on Class 5 Private Island Regions.
If we encounter severe lag, we can restart our regions in a matter of moments. However, we prefer to monitor the use of heavily scripted objects, scanners and shouters to avoid lag wherever possible. Restarts are disruptive and we view them as a last resort and never as a first line of defence against poor asset management.


Covenants are often used for the convenience of the land owner as a substitute for low level staffing. Our philosophy is simple. Our covenant: If someone is causing deliberate and constant annoyance to others, we will remove them from our estate quickly, efficiently, without a fuss and with minimum disruption to others.


Each area we open is sustainable in the long term due to the nature of its content appeal, its community, the administration and a dedicated team of experienced and proven managers employed to oversee client support and liaison, entertainment, key events and publicity.

Terms and Conditions of Lease
Rev July 2011

We are here to assist you. Please contact us for help with any of the following terms, we will always do our best to accommodate your needs.

Please observe the following so that you and others can get the very best from London City Estate:

1. Please pay rent on time. Demand for shops is high and if you go into arrears, you do so at your own risk. Our rental system will start to remind you 3 days prior to your rental expiring, but ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure that your payments are up to date. Property in arrears can be rented by others. We do not offer a period of grace.

2. Do not use proximity scanners or collision panel greeters. Touch to join group etc is fine, but nothing that scans and certainly nothing that pops up blue dialog box as people go past. We do not permit the use of any device that constantly listens. (A welcome mat is available from our freebie store. This invites to group and is low lag).

3. Hover text to be kept to a minimum. Please do not put objects with hover text on your walls, it will bleed through into the next store. See your vendor configuration to turn them off. If you must use hover text, the item will most likely need to be rezzed on the floor in the middle of your parcel to prevent it bleeding through.

4. Please rez inside your property only. Please do not place objects on sidewalks near to your store.

5. Please stay within your prim count. The rental system will remind you if you go over prim. We reserve the right to return the most recently placed items to bring you within your prim count. If you need more prims, please contact us for an adjustment to your rental.

6. Please avoid excessive scripted objects and those known to cause lag. Do your bit and be "green" and please do not run needless scripted objects. We can assist by letting you know the amount of resources an item will require is this is of help.

7. The use of temp rezzers, zero prim rezzers, holographic rezzers of any description is prohibited.

8. For best rendering speed, try to keep texture resolution to 256x256. If this is not possible 512x512 will still render within a reasonable time. 1024x1024 graphics will not. They will take an eternity to render and require 4mb of graphic memory. Your store will appear grey for an eternity and the parcel you occupy will appear laggy and choppy to visitors.

9. Please use signage that is within keeping with the appearance of other stores around you. Please avoid "blinging" out your neighbours. We are happy to help you with signage. Please do add external extensions or awnings to your property.

10. Please do not post ads for your store in the London groups. If you require additional advertising in the group or using other methods, contact us, it is a free service and we are happy to help.

Abandonment and Neglect

Certain basic standards are expected of merchants in the interests of being fair to other clients of London City. Your store is expected to be tidy in appearance. Grunge that has been thoughtfully applied is fine, but random placement of prims that makes it look like you were prim bombed is not. Vendors should not be placed in an ad-hoc random fashion.

You should set your store up within a reasonable time, as empty stores are unappealing and can have negative impact on other traders. If the space is left empty for a period of time without notice, then it will considered abandoned and the lease will be ended without refund.
If a lease is terminated due deliberate and flagrant violation of these rental terms and conditions, inappropriate conduct, abandonment, or breach of SL Terms of Service, refunds will not be given.

London City is an evolving community and as such various constructions are ongoing. We will always do our level best to continue to add value to your investment here and to encourage healthy traffic to the estate.

Torric Rodas
Operations Manager
Mainland London

(c)2011, Mainland London, Torric Rodas. All rights reserved.